Common Law or Arbitrary Outcomes?

Compare these two cases taken from “Family Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, by Sonia Harris-Shor at page 464:-


“….By contrast with the clarity of the Scottish position, the English cases do not clearly delineate the extent of responsibility for need. In Seaton V Seaton the husband had become dependent on the wife after being sacked, failed to hold down a job because of drink, and suffered a debilitating stroke shortly before the divorce which left him wholly dependent with no prospect of recovery. The wife was relieved of ongoing liability to support him, though it is unclear whether because of the long-term nature of the husbands dependency or his delinquency. By contrast, In Fisher V Fisher, the ex-husband was required to continue paying periodical payments to his ex-wife (who was caring for their child) when she was unable to support herself through employment owing to the birth of another child fathered by a third party.”