1973 – The Matrimonial Causes Act (1973).

1979 – A Better Way Out, published by the Law Society.

1982 – A Better Way Out Reviewed, published by the Law Society.

1988 – The book Grounds for Divorce by Davis and Murch.

1988 – The Human Rights Act

1998 – Facing the Future – A discussion paper on the grounds for divorce (Law Com. No. 170)

1990 – Family Law – The Ground for Divorce (Law Com. No. 192)

1995 – Looking to the Future, Mediation and the ground for divorce, presented to Parliament by the Lord Chancellor.

1995 – November – Lord Chancellor’s statement to the House of Lords, published in Hansard

1995 – Just a Piece of Paper – IEA Health and Welfare unit

2004 – Picking Up The Pieces: Marriage and Divorce Two Years After Information Provision – Newcastle Centre for family Studies

2014 – Matrimonial Property, Needs and Agreements – The Law Commission Report           No. 343

2016 – Rule Of Law Checklist – European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission)

2018 – No Contest:  Defended Divorce in England & Wales research study by Trinder and Sefton. Research funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

Rule of Law Check List – The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe

Concept of the Rule of Law in ECHR Case Law by Davit Melkonyan

Breakthrough Britain – The Family Law Review – The Centre for Social Justice

“Divorce lawyers are greedy, malevolent and second rate” by an anonymous divorce lawyer  as published in Mail on Sunday on 20th 1999